Mod Installation

The mod list


Some things need to be considered before installing the mods:

  • Skyrim master files should be clean, following the procedures in the cleaning section
  • Mods should be installed in the order that they are listed. You can create separators in Mod Organizer to separate sections of mods, preferably using the names from the mod sections in the guide.
  • Always install the main, update and hotfix file(s), unless the guide tells you otherwise.
  • The recommended resolutions of textures are just recommendations. You may install higher resolution versions of the mods if your computer can handle it.
  • If LOOT tells you to clean a mod, clean it.

The provided guide patches comes with a neat FOMOD installer that automatically chooses what to install. The patches consists of a huge bunch of esl-flagged plugins. Since they are esl-flagged you do not have to worry about the old plugin count limit. Keeping the patches separated in different plugins helps during development when adding, testing and replacing mods. This also makes this mod list mostly modular. There are a few exceptions:

  • You need to use the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
  • Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter is coming should be used together or not at all for the patches to work.

Theoretically, you can leave out any other mod from your install.